AVP athlete Emily Stockman drops by to give you 9 facts (outside of volleyball) so that you can get to know her better. Enjoy!
1. Basketball was my first love.
From a young age, I had dreams of playing for the WNBA. My family was all about basketball. My dad would set a timer for me in the basement for 20 minutes and tell me “I don’t want to hear that ball stop dribbling until the timer stops.” I remember being in the third grade and being told that if I didn’t make the team “there would be no tears.” Sounds harsh, I know. But you had to at least be in fourth grade to try out. My big sis was going out for the team, so I wanted to, too, regardless of the result. My layup skills were on point, and I loved the game. So I went for it. And I kept going for it all throughout high school. Obviously, I chose volleyball. But let the record show – I received scholarship offers for both volleyball and basketball.
2. I am an adrenaline junkie.

Whether it be jumping off a pier into potentially shark-infested waters, skydiving, or landing a sweet line in the backcountry with my motorcycle, snowboard, or mountain bike, I can’t wait to tell my dad about it. His response is always the same, “Really? That’s awesome! Did you take your GoPro?”
3. Mountains over the beach, any day.
I grew up in Colorado and family vacations were spent in the mountains. Summertime was camping, fishing, hiking, and biking (with and without motors). Winters were skiing and the occasional snowmobile tour. I was never at the beach growing up and to be honest, I still don’t know what to do there other than play volleyball. I will go rollerblading on The Strand from time to time, but I’m still perfecting those skills.
4. Got some handywoman jobs that need doing around the house? I am your gal!
I love being hands-on. In high school, I spent my elective hours in shop class learning to weld and woodwork rather than bake cookies and sew. Full disclosure, I do have an addiction to cake baking videos on TikTok, but that came way later in life.
I have always wanted an English bulldog (to be named Douglas) and a mini pig (dubbed Webster, of course), and Dougie and Webbie were to grow up together. However, during COVID, life had other plans. I found the perfect English bulldog that looks like a pig, a dog, and a cow! I had him for a few days before naming him because Douglas didn’t fit. After talking to my sister who has a black lab named LeRoy, named after our gramps, we decided it made sense to keep it in the family. I named him Gilbert, after our other grandpa. The name fits perfectly!! Follow him on IG @cowpigdog_ (if you don’t already).
6. I love ink.

All of my tattoos have meaning from different stages of my life, and they are all from different places in the world. I’ll spare you the details, but one of my favorites is from the Philippines. One of my teammates at the time had a connection with a local tattoo artist, so he came to our hotel room and tatted us up. Such a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you or anyone you know is a talented artist, let me know, always looking for more.
7. I’m deathly afraid of bees.
It happened in 2017 at the FIVB in Ft Lauderdale. We were practicing the day before the tournament started. When I went to serve, I stepped on the little guy. I thought “Ouch! I just stepped on a needle.” But when I picked up my foot, the bee was stuck to the bottom of it. I flicked him off but had to get the players to help me get the stinger out. The whole experience really wasn’t that bad, but to this day if a bee is buzzing I scream and flail. Obviously, my fear is totally justified.
8. I have OCD when it comes to cleanliness.
I do a deep clean of my house anytime I am leaving for two or more days. I wipe down the sink/faucet anytime I’m done using it because I don’t like water splotches. Kitchen counters get wiped anytime I make food. Gilbert’s face gets wiped, along with the floor, anytime he drinks water. Vacuuming happens every day. And then there are weekly cleanings that include but are not limited to: dusting, washing the couch covers, laundering towels, changing bed sheets, and bathing Gilbert.
9. I absolutely love surprises!!
Whether it’s opening a present on Christmas morning or surprising my sister at work when she thinks I’m still living in France, I get all giddy inside and can’t sit still. I love it!!