Photography allows us to capture a moment in time that would otherwise become a fleeting memory. It is through photos that some of the most compelling stories in history have been told. The second installment of our After The Sand Has Settled series features the favorite photos of AVP athlete Geena Urango.

I’d have to say making a statement with our suits was a pretty fun highlight of the season. I think our Goldsheep tacos we wore for Cinco de Mayo during the Huntington Beach Open take the cake though.

Be the Goldsheep… STAND OUT loud and proud!

So many more fun patterns, but this is probably my favorite of the season.

Loved meeting #TeamTexMex fans wherever we played!

Even met this awesome couple who made TexMex graphics for us and taped them up during a heated match of ours in San Francisco! Best signs ever!

Win or lose, I always tried to enjoy the city we were playing in the best I could. For example, hanging out with our friends on their boat in Seattle on Lake Washington.

Or going to a Giant’s game in San Francisco.

Or going to Wrigley Field in Chicago. (Sorry, Angels, you’re still #1 in my heart)

The night before the semi final match of the Hermosa Beach Open, I am in bed about to fall asleep visualizing and mentally preparing for the next day. This is exactly what I visualized :
It’s the 3rd set…it’s 14-13…and the score is frozen. Whoever wins this is in the finals. I’m back to serve. I stand right in the middle of the service line. I take a deep breath and give myself a nice toss out in front of me. I start my jump serve approach and focus on just snapping the ball with a high swing deep middle between the two players on the other side of the net. Both of them look at each other, “You? Me?” No one goes for it. My serve clips the back line right between them. Ace. Set. Match.
The next day during the semi final match, that is exactly what happened. And this is that moment after the ace to win.