Our athletes work tirelessly to ensure they’re prepared to perform at their best, but they aren’t the only ones striving for greatness. Behind the scenes, the AVP team works year round to bring an unforgettable experience to cities throughout the country. Go behind the curtain with us to see the faces and hear the stories of our #AVPFamily. Because to us, this isn’t just a volleyball tour; it’s family.
William Younce
Meet #AVP Director of Operations, William Younce.
“People are always shocked it takes 6 full days to build the venue….and another 3 days to tear it all down and return the beach to the City ‘good as new’. My summers are pretty much non-existent on the home front.” #AVPFamily
Kevin Barnett
Meet two-time indoor Olympian and #AVP on-air announcer, Kevin Barnett.
“My first memory of an #AVP tourney was in summer of 1991. As a young boy from Illinois, I rode my bike up to the Manhattan Beach Pier… the stadium was packed, the strand was impassable, gorgeous people everywhere and powerful athletes on the court. It was an awesome sight to see… it still is.” #AVPFamily

Karena Wu
Meet #AVP Medical Director, Karena Wu of ActiveCare Physical Therapy.
“What the fans don’t know about the AVP Medical Board is how much work we have put into building up the program to align with the US Olympic Committee standards. We built a comprehensive medical manual that covers what the requirements are for each practitioner (physician, physical therapist, chiropractor, athletic trainer, massage therapists, acupuncturists), how to run and manage the event site and injuries, and how to maintain documentation of both practitioners and athletes.” #AVPFamily
Arnoud Wildschut
Meet the leader behind the #AVP court crew, Arnoud Wildschut.
“I take great pride in my work. I am responsible for building the courts, and maintaining high-quality courts… the nets, the sand, the sponsor activations. And every Championship Sunday, we create sand artwork that many fans never see. To create good courts is easy; to create perfect courts and perfect sand conditions that are up to the AVP’s standards is hard work. With that all said, my job is me simply enjoying the dream!” #AVPFamily
Jeremy Roueche
Meet #AVP’s official DJ for 14 years, DJ Roueche!
“I wish I could pick just one favorite memory, but every time there’s been a tournament in Vegas — it has been at the top of my list. Friends of mine would fly in, I would DJ night sessions, and the King/Queen format of the tournament made it such a memorable event/party.” #AVPFamily
Crystal Yang Edwards
Meet #AVP PR & Communications Director, Crystal Yang Edwards!
“My team and I prep months in advance for each tourney. Our job is to get the media in attendance, help shape the stories that deserve to be told, and stay long past the last match to send out the perfect press release. But, they are right about one thing… this little #AVPFamily means that I get to form bonds working with the best in the sport, giving these athletes the attention they absolutely deserve.” #AVPFamily

Robert Beck
Meet #AVP photographer, Robert Beck.
“What people don’t know about me is that I’ve captured some of the most iconic shots in sports history. And with the AVP, I get to continue to do that. I tell the story of each tournament photographically…or I get the best seat in the house for every tournament. However you want to think about it.” #AVPFamily
Josh Glazebrook
Meet #AVP Creative Director, Josh Glazebrook.
To him, an AVP weekend means: “It’s showtime. It’s both exciting and nerve-racking. The culmination of months and months of preparation and work – transforming a beach or a parking lot into a place for thousands of people to gather and watch the best volleyball in America.” #AVPFamily
Dain Blanton
Meet AVP announcer and former beach Olympian, Dain Blanton.
“I first fell in love with the sport when I was playing in the summers as a kid and then watching the pros come to play in the AVP Jose Cuervo Laguna Beach Open. I was hooked and knew I wanted to one day be a pro!” #AVPFamily

Steph Sun
Meet Mrs. AVP, Steph Sun — wife of Managing Partner, Donald Sun.
“I’m at every tourney doing anything and everything… From shaking hands and chatting with fans/partners, to picking up trash and adjusting courts. And there’s no other place I’d rather be.” #AVPFamily
Mark Schuermann
Meet #AVP announcer, Mark Schuermann.
An AVP weekend means a lot to me…a lot of work and a lot of fun. Getting to hang out with incredible volleyball communities all over the country, combined with the dedication and long hours from so many people to make each event happen, make it the most rewarding job I have. #AVPFamily
Kelly Reeves
Meet AVP player and commentator, Kelly Reeves.
I was first exposed to beach volleyball when I was about eight or nine years old. I grew up going to the beach with my family during the summers and I would bump with my mom. She played wayyy back in the day on the WPVA Tour, and I remember tagging along to her trainings and I would be their ball shagger. Any chance I could, I would ask my mom to pepper and we would just bump. As I got older, I spent summer’s playing in as many CBVA tournaments as I could and would play down at Moonlight Beach. Old school rules too… sideout scoring… big court. I loved playing and seized every opportunity I could play. #AVPFamily
Mpu Dinani
Meet AVP photographer, Mpu Dinani.
An AVP weekend means I get to create more amazing memories with my #AVPFamily. From the moment I get in to town and step on-site and greet all the staff, until the moment I congratulate the winners. There are so many awesome stories, a few can’t be shared however 😜 #AVPFamily