Due to weather issues in New Orleans and some AVP announcements, we took a week off from posting. I wrote this article before the New Orleans tournament. Despite weather delays and conditions that aren’t (Southern California) ideal, there was an amazing crowd that came out to support the event! The fans were awesome, so thank you for making it a great trip.
I was inspired to write this article based on a brief conversation my wife and I had while I was packing to leave for New Orleans. By packing, I mean putting snacks and supplements together to bring with me. Packing my clothes is simply throwing a bunch of shorts, shirts and socks in the suitcase as fast as I can. The packing I actually take my time with is deciding which supplements and super foods to bring with me on the road.
I guess it is slightly telling which foods/supplements I deem necessary to bring and which ones I am willing to leave behind, but it’s not the whole story. So what does my bag look like?
Green Vibrance: Traveling can be tough to find a good quality meal and the urge to snack is stronger than ever. Green Vibrance provides more total nutrition then average American diets get in days. Trace minerals, vitamins, probiotics, phytochemicals and alkalinity are essential to maintain proper balance. The greens fill in any gaps in total nutrition that likely come from eating on the road.
Ascenta NutraSea HP fish oil: I place no higher physical demand on my body than during a tournament and I need to minimize the recovery time as much as possible. I pump my body full of this high-EPA formula because EPA is the most critical component of anti-inflammation. Plus travel food is usually less healthy and more inflammatory than my regular diet. I get asked a lot what the ideal amount of fish oil is. Depends of course, but when your body’s demands are at their highest, you should look to get in the range of 3,000-7,000mg of (combined) EPA and DHA per day.
Growing Naturals proteins: Protein is an essential part of endurance and of course recovery. Protein powders are going to digest and assimilate much faster than eating meat (it doesn’t matter if you are a meat eater or not). I premix rice and pea protein together. The combination gives me a protein complex pretty close to human muscle. Plant proteins aren’t inflammatory in the way that whey and milk proteins are and why they would be my choice regardless of dietary preference.
Maximized Curcuminoids: One of nature’s greatest anti-inflammatory compounds. Curcuminoids are the active medicinal component of turmeric. Taken with fish oil and combined with the greens which provide lecithin, the curcuminoids reduce pain and inflammation, which I feel shortens my recovery time and prolongs my point of exhaustion. If you have tendonitis, arthritis, or swollen and stiff joints, this could be a miracle pill for you.
L-Carnosine: I’ve written about it before. This amino acid, in addition to being a powerful antioxidant in our muscle cells, assists our body in the transition to burning fat for energy after our blood sugar has burned off during intense activity. I usually take it midday after a match or two and make sure I’m eating fat-containing foods to fuel this transition. This results in a longer-lasting, more stable energy level throughout the day. I genuinely feel like it delays the onset of fatigue, so those long days of physical play can still be at their highest level.
Oxylent Sport: It’s a dynamic sport hydration drink which has made me a believer. Hands down, it’s better quality than any sport drink you can buy off the shelf, but it also combines a glutamine and creatine complex for sustained endurance and faster recovery. At about $1 per serving, it’s the same cost but much better! Kind of like if you could buy a Lexus for the same price as a Kia, why wouldn’t you?
EBOOST POW: Will be mentioning this more and more I think. This is simply the best energy supplement I’ve ever used. Mood boosting and joint lubricating nutrients coupled with naturally sourced caffeine (from unroasted coffee seeds), this product has changed how I work out and practice. Super excited to use it this year!
Are you fired up for the 2015 AVP season now?
Russ Marchewka’s commitment to better nutrition has earned him the nickname “Mr. Healthy” on the tour. He has spent the last eight years studying how nutrition affects his volleyball game. For more, visit his website, WorldHealthHub.com or connect with him on Facebook, www.Facebook.com/avpruss.

The products and the claims made about specific products on or through the AVP site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
The information provided on this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or health care provider.