With tournaments in New York and Seattle, June was a busy month for the athletes and fans. There was a lot of chatter on the court, but we think we enjoyed what you guys heard off the court more. Here is what was overheard this month.
If you overhear anything interesting at an AVP tournament or at the beach, share it with us via DM at @AVPBeach for a chance to be featured.
Better than being mistaken for Brian Dunkleman…
Imagine how scary she is after losing a match!
Madison Mckibbin’s beard, lots of sand, and a volleyball are pretty much all you need for a Castaway costume
Spoiler alert! You’re at an AVP tournament, you are going to be in the sun all day. Remember your sunscreen folks!
Free AVP Tournaments are great, but they do have their downsides…
Another case against those free tournaments….
Eating sand takes on a totally different meaning during a match
Most players dream of a hot streak!
Don’t worry! In 20 years you’ll be the one intimidating the newbies.