I’m not sure how long it will take me to communicate this idea as I begin writing, but hopefully by the end I’ll have stirred up a little bit of creative thinking with you. At the very least, let’s try and have a little fun talking about something you’ve probably never thought about before.
Did you read my previous post on Gardening? I mentioned rock dust as one of the best things I’ve done with my garden. Well, I wanted to have a little fun today with this post and put my toe in the water of what is hypothetical, philosophical and (for some) spiritual.
As I pursue being as healthy as possible and gardening more, I read a lot of books, and watch a lot of videos with people talking about what they do. I’ve started noticing some interesting similarities and polar opposites between humans and plants. I think the juxtaposition is quite fascinating.
For example, plants and humans both need sunlight and we both need water. However, we breathe in air and utilize the oxygen while plants breathe in air and utilize the carbon dioxide. Both of our skins are very permeable. Plants can absorb nutrients from the surrounding air through their “skin.” So can we absorb through our skin. The potential dangers of that are interesting to think about though. Would you want to spray chemicals on your skin? Probably not when I put it so bluntly, right? Well, spraying chemical pesticides on plants is the same thing in a sense.
I think of this previous point every time I put on sunscreen. My skin is absorbing (a lot) of what I put on it, so natural things like Aloe Vera lotions and gels are fine, but chemically laden (search for parabens on the label) sunscreens are disrupting the natural functions of my protective skin. I’ll write a post in the near future on skin health and protecting our skin this summer.
While we as humans think that a lot of what goes on in our body is dictated by our brain, a lot of our well-being comes from the delicate balance of bacteria in the microbiome of our gut. Plants have an interesting similarity in that the health and liveliness of the plant is not what you see above ground, but actually what is going on beneath the soil with the root system. There are billions of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms working together in the soil and with the roots of the plant to feed the plant, keep it healthy OR expose it to pests and disease. As humans, when our gut health and bacterial balance is compromised, so too is our overall health. The same is true with soil health and the plant. That’s why I love rock dust so much. Chemical fertilizers compromise the microbial balance in the soil the same way eating conventional produce and drinking municipal water (that has chlorine and fluoride) compromises the health of our gut bacteria.
Another comparison, just for fun, is how flowering plants reproduce. I’ll let you google that in case you forgot about the pistil and stamen from middle school biology.
Anyway, I think it’s a fascinating topic to ponder the differences that we have to the world around us, and more specifically the similarities of how plants and other animals stay healthy. That’s why one of my favorite herbs to consume is shilajit! It’s rich in fulvic and humic acids. There are so many health benefits to fulvic and humic acid, I recommend you spend 5-10 minutes reading about them with a google search. To give you a few bullet points, fulvic acid:
*Is one of nature’s most powerful free-radical scavengers inside our body
*helps convert minerals into more usable forms (most minerals manifest their atomic structure in many different forms which may or may not be ideal for us to utilize them)
*dissolves certain mineral formations which can have negative effects on our health (like calcium deposits around our joints and scar tissue
*as a detoxifier of harmful substances in our body is second to none
*enhances the utilization of vitamins and assists with enzyme activity around the body
Shilajit is the best source of fulvic and humic acids that I have found. I’ve consumed fulvic acid in many different ways (powders, pills and liquid) and nothing has made me feel as good as shilajjit. There is a lot of fake shilajit in the world because the natural source is high in the Himalayas. I’ve provided a photo that demonstrates how shilajit “oozes” from the mountains, very cool! It’s very important to trust your source. The taste can be very strong! Kind of earthy and smoky, you don’t just mix it with water unless you get it in capsule form. Capsules are more expensive per serving, so I’ve found creative ways to mix powdered shilajit so that it’s palatable. I like to mix it with coffee or yerba mate as it dissolves quickly. I then add some coconut oil to the hot liquid, some English toffee stevia drops, cinnamon and almond milk and blend it in the bullet for 20 seconds. It actually is very tasty!
Shilajit can absolutely help you be healthier, AND a better athlete. With increased fulvic acid in your diet, you’ll absorb more nutrition from your food, and detoxify some of the things that may be holding your energy levels back. It’s no wonder soils rich in fulvic and humic acids grow healthier plants J
Shilajit and some of the best supplements for being your physical best can be found in my new “NEXT LEVEL ATHLETE PACK” available now!
Russ Marchewka’s commitment to better nutrition has earned him the nickname “Mr. Healthy” on the tour. He has spent the last eight years studying how nutrition affects his volleyball game. For more, visit his website, WorldHealthHub.com or connect with him on Facebook, www.Facebook.com/avpruss.

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